Monday 31 December 2012

Our garden

At the end of a long day there is nowhere quite like a garden to relax.  We are very lucky with the spot we have.  South facing in the main we benefit from the drier climate that the east of Scotland offers ... and I say that after several decades trying to nurture plants in the much wetter west of Scotland.

When we got this garden it was just a plot, so we have had all the fun of planning and planting on a blank canvas.  Would we do it differently if we had the chance to start from scratch again ... you bet, but that said it hasn't turned out too badly.

To get from the above to what follows was great fun. Once the house was complete the first task was to get to work on turning the earth over and raking out all sorts of stones.  These varied from fist-sized right through to some that needed two of us to remove.  Wheelbarrow, after wheelbarrow followed, but gradually we had a soil that we could rake before laying the turf and erecting fences and a greenhouse.


Every garden needs a helper or two  The two that we have offer limited help !



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