Saturday 15 December 2012


Cairntoul, Braeriach, Ben MacDui, Lochnagar ...   so many classic mountain names and so many great outings in one spot.

I'm not sure when I first fell in love with the Cairngorms, but after years of walking in the western hills these were a welcome change of scenery.  Vast plateaus, stunning long views and more often than not quite dry underfoot ... now that really was different.

The wildlife is marvellous in this area - from adders and lizards to golden eagles and red deer. I bought a Nikon D40 in 2009 and the first day I took it out we came across an adder near Derry Cairngorm. Unbelieivably lucky and what a great wildlife experience.

The Lairig Ghru is one of the great sights in this region. I had a great overnight here with my father in law, stopping in the Corrour Bothy on a summer Sunday night. A slightly damp weekend it was nevertheless marvellous to wake up in such a fantastic spot and the sense of silence first thing in the morning was eerie.

The remnants of Caledonian pinewood here are absolutely stunning, the smell, the colours and the beautiful shapes.  Heading north to the Pools of Dee and scrambling through a wonderful boulder field we eventually emerged into classic Scots Pine woodlands and within minutes had our first sighting of a crossbill. Yes, there is so much to see in this area no wonder it draws you back like a magnet.

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