Tuesday 14 May 2013

Down by the river

A week off and a new camera in my pocket - so what better to do than to take early morning strolls by the banks of the River Tay and capture the spring atmosphere.

The birds are a lot nosier now and there are always ducks on the river and sandpipers on the banks. Flowers are bursting through and the trees which only a day or two ago looked quite bare have suddenly sprung into life .. with a burst of dazzling clean green.

Heading off at six lets me capture some of the morning sun, although in truth at this time of year you could leave the house an hour ealier and probably get even better light. Nevertheless when I return home the sun is still throwing a lovely morning angle on everything. Usually I come back to find our two cats fast asleep and they are good subjects to try the macro facility of the camera out on.

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